Tom's Blog

Healing or Suffering?

In each momentwith each breathand in every decisionwe are either moving towards lightor darkness.We are either expandingor contracting.Healingor su...

Our Relationships Are Eternal

Our Relationships Are Eternal
                                                            What if everything I am telling youis true?What then?What ifI, too, once felt pain ...


                                                                               Over and over and over againyou will come to a fork in the roadwhen ...

Creating a Safe, Sacred Space


Living WITH the Holidays 2013: RESOURCES

1.  10 Tips for Living WITH the Holidays:  Click

I Don't Know How You Feel, Not Really

You will never know how I feel. Not really.  In the same way that I will never know how you feel. How could I? I did not love him the way you did...


  My 13-year-old son Rory died February 22, 2005.   On March 30, 2005, I wrote the following in my Journal:   “Last night,  I woke up,  looked at...

Belief Creates Experience

Belief Creates Experience
  What you choose to BELIEVE  to be true about your grief  will be your experience.  You will create that experience for yourself. If you believe...

How Do I Heal 2

How do I heal? Do you want to know? So you canconsciouslyaddand participate in concrete, doable, tangiblehealing activitiesduring the day.This da...

How Do I Heal?

  I launched my website,, on February 22, 2006 the first anniversary of my 13-year-old son Rory’s “ascension into heaven” as I so...

Question. Everything. Always.

My 18-month-old daughter Erin died in 1990.My 43-year-old wife Trici died in 1999.My 13-year-old son Rory died in 2005.I have learned a thing or t...


Prayer. I was givenand gratefully receiveda gift Wednesday nightby one of the brave soulsparticipating in my“Your Next Step”program. I was remind...