Reincarnation and organ donors
I recently received this question:
"I have a question for you, I need help in trying to explain something to a broken hearted mother, her son died about a year ago the gun he was cleaning accidentally went off and killed him. She donated his eyes and some other organs now she is deep in grief thinking bad thoughts such as....... she asked me what happens if he is reincarnated, will he be blind? I told her that I feel when they die their spirit escapes the body so anything done to him after that I would think his soul would not be like that now...... that was merely pulled out of no where I had no clue how to answer that your help in that question would be greatly appreciated."
What a great question.
I actually love the answer the person who asked me the question offered her friend. Perhaps she didn’t really “pull it our of no where.” Perhaps she were divinely inspired to answer in a way that would comfort her friend.
I am not 100% certain that I believe in reincarnation, but I am certainly open to the possibility.
For those, like me, who are open to the possibility of reincarnation, I think the question becomes ... what exactly reincarnates?
I do believe that the essence of who we are is eternal. Some call that our soul ~ our spirit ~ our essence ~ even our energy. There are many names for essentially the same thing.
I do not believe we are actually our bodies. We are so much more. Our essence inhabits our bodies while we are here on earth. Gary Zukav calls our bodies our “earth suits.” He suggests that we “wear” these earth suits while we are here in the earth school. When we die, we no longer need our earth suits, so we free ourselves of them. We leave them here. They return to dust.
Due to modern science, parts of our earth suits ~ like this mother’s son’s eyes ~ can be used by other earth suits whose souls, spirits, essence, energy ~ are not yet ready to depart this earth. How remarkable is that?
But by the time those eyes, or any other organs are removed and later transplanted ... the essence of who we are has already left the body ~ our earth suit.
So, if our essence, our soul, our spirit, our energy does indeed reincarnate ~ we select a new earth suit that will allow us to experience all the things we come to the earth school (again) to experience.
It’s possible that we might choose an earth suit with eyes that don’t see, or ears that don’t hear, or any other condition that we humans call “disabilities” ... but I don’t believe it would be a direct result of the fact that someone said YES to the question of being an organ donor in a prior life. We would select that new earth suit ... the one with the disability ... because it best serves our intention for reincarnating again.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this fascinating topic and hope you will share in the comment section below.
If you’d like to explore this issue, or any other facet of your grief journey, I work with people one-on-one. If you’re in the Rockford, IL area, we can do that in person. If you’re out of the local area, we can Skype or schedule a phone call. If you'd like to work with me, please email me at and we can schedule a session and discuss cost.
I also want to make sure you aware of my Video Program “Transforming the Way We Do Grief.” The intention I set when I created this 3-part Video Program, is to help you heal ... to help make the unbearable, more bearable. Through this program, I share with you much of what I've learned about healing during my 20+ year journey with grief. To learn more click: "Transforming the Way We Do Grief.”
To lose a loved one is never easy and people go through this pain in different ways.
Ilost my mother few years, we were very very close so it made it difficult for
me to let go. i was in pain physically, i missed her so much it started affecting my
personal life, work and family.
My husband was scared because i was depress as hell, He came across a man that is
that practice divination, reincarnation etc…..
My husband employed is service, and it works! i saw my mother in my dreams it felt real.
i started feeling better, my husbad asked me if it was okay to reincarnate my mother,i didn’t knew
it was possible…. so we tried it and it works. I gave birth to twin and they bother have my mother
qualities and character. I am still amazed that is why i am recommending him to others who desperately
needs is services like me.
you can reach him yourself…….
You will thank me later it’s a promise.
My 16 yr grandson, Ryan choose his departure from this earthly plane, Mar 2 2010. He was an organ donor. Ryan gave his heart, lungs, liver, corneas, bone, skin, and tissues. We have made contact with 8 lives who have been changed by one decision.
On Monday, at the hospital Ryan was at, his liver recipient, Andy came and told his story of his lifelong struggle with liver disease since birth. He started by reading an essay Ryan wrote for drivers ed. class 10 days before he passed. We did not know if Ryan wanted to be an organ donor or not. But after an amazing dream, I was shown his answer. I was told to look in his backpack that I had kept in a closet for almost 3yrs. There I found his essay on why I wanted to be an organ donor. I believe he wanted to share in his own words that our decision to have Ryan be an organ donor was the right thing to do. Andy is living proof, we are all connected, on this side and the other. Ryan is still touching lives.
This was a healing experience for our whole family. I shared that Ryan struggled with mental health issues and felt he would want a voice to advocate a need for more mental health awareness, education and assistance. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s a disease.
Ryan is doing more than he ever could from this side minus his earthly body, reminding us how we are all connected. Thanks Tom.
My 16 yr grandson, Ryan choose his departure from this earthly plane, Mar 2 2010. He was an organ donor. Ryan gave his heart, lungs, liver, corneas, bone, skin, and tissues. We have made contact with 8 lives who have been changed by one decision.
On Monday, at the hospital Ryan was at, his liver recipient, Andy came and told his story of his lifelong struggle with liver disease since birth. He started by reading an essay Ryan wrote for drivers ed. class 10 days before he passed. We did not know if Ryan wanted to be an organ donor or not. But after an amazing dream, I was shown his answer. I was told to look in his backpack that I had kept in a closet for almost 3yrs. There I found his essay on why I wanted to be an organ donor. I believe he wanted to share in his own words that our decision to have Ryan be an organ donor was the right thing to do. Andy is living proof, we are all connected, on this side and the other. Ryan is still touching lives.
This was a healing experience for our whole family. I shared that Ryan struggled with mental health issues and felt he would want a voice to advocate a need for more mental health awareness, education and assistance. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s a disease.
Ryan is doing more than he ever could from this side minus his earthly body, reminding us how we are all connected. Thanks Tom.
I feel a lot better, I believe I told her the right thing and it is what I believed but I did not want to lead her a stray. Tom I thank you so much for all your work you do. I figured out today that some of the mothers in my group live about 4 hours away from you and a few of us would love sometime to come to see you. Thanks for the comments and addressing this question <3
While I can’t say whether or not physical reincarnation exists, I believe that our soul, the core of our being, does exist after our physical death. I view the mother’s decision to donate her son’s eyes a great and selfless gift. Very few religious practices discourage the act of organ/tissue/marrow donation, in fact most either encourage it, or leave this very personal decision to the patient or family members.
I pray she finds comfort in knowing that because of her kindness, others may have a chance to see our beautiful world through the eyes of the son she so deeply loved. Donors and their families are truly unsung heroes.