• How can you compare . My daughter Michelle, was murdered in cold blood. She was shot 6 times. I know her spirit and soul is here with us, but we are devastated that she left in such a horrible way.

  • What if the death in my life is the death of my relationship w/ my family. I came forth the abuse he committed on my sister and I in 1998. I was estranged from my mother and sister as they turned on me, no relationship w/ my brother since then. My mom had a stroke 2 yrs ago, I was back care taking, 100 %,thrown back in the family dynamic after years, nothing acknowledged w/ my brother. After a year and a half of care taking and losing my job it turned out they just used me to ‘lighten the burden’. I confronted my brother via text shortly after she went in the nursing home, not what i wanted to do, it was no other choice. Now they gave turned my mom against me w/ lies, she’s been in nursing home since a year ago April. I have not seen her in almost 8 months due to the way she verbally attacks me w/ accusations that are not true, sick lies my brother, sister and his wife tell her, to detract from the truth of the horrible things he did. My sister refuses to confront him, he’s the POA and my sister who is bipolar still lives in my moms house. Do you deal w/ that kind of death, cuz there is no fixing this, so I’m left w/ this ongoing grief even though no one physically died.

  • What if the death in my life is the death of my relationship w/ my family. I came forth the abuse he committed on my sister and I in 1998. I was estranged from my mother and sister as they turned on me, no relationship w/ my brother since then. My mom had a stroke 2 yrs ago, I was back care taking, 100 %,thrown back in the family dynamic after years, nothing acknowledged w/ my brother. After a year and a half of care taking and losing my job it turned out they just used me to ‘lighten the burden’. I confronted my brother via text shortly after she went in the nursing home, not what i wanted to do, it was no other choice. Now they gave turned my mom against me w/ lies, she’s been in nursing home since a year ago April. I have not seen her in almost 8 months due to the way she verbally attacks me w/ accusations that are not true, sick lies my brother, sister and his wife tell her, to detract from the truth of the horrible things he did. My sister refuses to confront him, he’s the POA and my sister who is bipolar still lives in my moms house. Do you deal w/ that kind of death, cuz there is no fixing this, so I’m left w/ this ongoing grief even though no one physically died.


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