ReNEW Life Retreat Schedule
Are you ready to create a joy-filled life?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
6:00 OPENING DINNER in the Pavillion
Creating a Safe, Sacred Space by Tom Zuba
Friday, June 22, 2012
7:00 - 7:45 MORNING WAKE-UP: Qi Gong or informal walk
8:00 - 8:45 BREAKFAST
A new look at Grief and Mourning by Tom Zuba
10:00-11:25 BREAKOUT SESSION 1**
11:30 LUNCH and exhale
1:15 - 2:45 BREAKOUT SESSION 2**
3:00 - 4:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 3**
4:30 - 5:30 INFORMAL GATHERING by the Fire Pit
5:30 DINNER ON YOUR OWN (you will have the opportunity to share a table and conversation with some of our Breakout Leaders, table reservations can be made during the Retreat)
Friday evening
You may choose ONE of these three 2-hour Optional Friday Night Workshops or choose to swim, spa, or just relax.
Abandon Ecstatic Dance and Self-Healing
Led by Kaaren Smoot
Memory Piece, Prayer Piece or Intention Bracelet
Led by Lori Horbas
Led by Don McCollum and Joyce Block
Saturday, June 23, 2012
7:00 - 7:45 MORNING WAKE-UP: Yoga or informal walk
8:00 - 8:45 BREAKFAST
9:00 - 11:00 GROUP SESSION
Creating Your Plan by Tom Zuba
Vision Boards led by Marla Tabaka
What's next? by Tom Zuba
**Breakout Sessions
You will participate in THREE 90-minute breakout sessions. Click Leader's name to learn more about his/her session. We will do our very best to place you in your top three choices; please rank, in order, your top five choices ~ #1 being your first choice, #5 being your fifth choice.
Create a Memory Keychain, Led by Lori Horbas
Emotional Health and Healing: Energy Work, Led by Kaaren Smoot
The Energetics of Grief:
Applying Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong for Self Empowerment, Led by Jeremy Cornish
The Grief Recovery Method:
Regain a sense of well-being by reconciling loss experiences, Led by Lynne Staley
Grief Support Through Reflexology, Led by Connie Harris
Healing through Yoga, Led by Lisa Rousseau
Healing With Your Heart, Led by Eileen Dunn
How to Live Happier Every Day, No Matter What, Led by Kelly Epperson
Induced After-Death Communication:
A Radical New Treatment for Grief and Trauma, Led by Dr. Allan Botkin
Male Pattern Grieving, Led by Rob Anderson
Memories Matter, Led by Rob Anderson
Metamorphosis Healing Circle, Led by Kaaren Smoot
Pen and Ink: Anything is possible ... one stroke at a time
Led by Don McCollum and Joyce Block
Repurposing You! - Tapping Into Life Purpose After Loss, Led by Marla Tabaka
Shining Light on Common Myths of Grief, Led by Cindy Thelen
Tapping Amidst Grief, Led by Marla Tabaka
Please dress comfortably. You may want to "dress up" a bit for dinner and dress more casually during the day. Some of the sessions will be interactive to your comfort level.